Writer, Actor, Comedian


Unproduced Sketch: Socially Responsible Purge

In 2016 we put out a series of semi-narrative sketches where the CollegeHumor cast existed within the world of The Purge. This was written for that series, but didn’t make the final cut.

I still like this script, but it was functionally similar to another sketch in the series: You’re Not Purging; You’re Just Being a Dick. While that one was about using The Purge to do things that are shitty, but not illegal, this sketch is about using The Purge to do things that are illegal, but benign. They’re very different sketches, but both grown from the same logic. In the end we had a lot of good options, and went with a final selection that gave us more variety.

Incidentally, this sketch also challenged me with a spelling issue. How do you spell the word that is just the first syllable of the word “usual”? I settled on “uszh,” which I don’t love, but everything else seemed equally or more insane.